
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Term 4 reflection

What a surprise to the beginning of the term! Our new topic is Art Attack. Our class has now combined with class 5, it has been a very crazy week since there is 60 students in one class!  

The thing I liked about the change would have to be that, the combination of classes. One other thing is that we have most of our friends so we can chill out together. And we have more space to work in.

The thing that we didn't really enjoy is that we have too many people in our class. It also is too loud to concentrate.

Walking into the street I noticed there were a lot of tables in the space. After immersion assembly we walked into the street instead of our classroom and sat in in our house lines. My reaction to the supposedly good “News” wasn't very excited or happy. Personally I dislike the idea of merging classes together.

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