
Friday, May 6, 2011

Jet boat ride

Last Friday I was so excited because we were going to a jet boat ride. I went with my brother and my mum into the city. It was my brother and I who went on a jet boat ride.
Before we got to hop into we had to put on long black rain coat so we didn’t get really wet and a life jacket the life jacket was an inflatable type when you pull the tab.
We finally drove we had to drive out at 20 km because we were still by the dock and then we went at 125 km.The guy that was driving the boat was doing fast turns and water would splash all over the passengers.We went under the Harbor
bridge and the driver would tell us about the stuff we went to.He took us near the Chelsea factory.
”This is fun” I yelled.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Jacob did you fell scared because you said that the boat was going really quick and fast around the corners.And did you think that you would fall over...?Jacob...what's the Chelsea Factory???

    Please write back your mate Wyatt


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